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This is incredible. Great aesthetic, awesome puzzles and concept. Awesome work.

(2 edits) (+1)

This is so good, you did an excellent job. The aesthetic is immaculate. The red keycard disappeared on me when I bumped into the grate near the button closest to the key spawn.


Thanks! The bug has been fixed now, the keycard should no longer disappear, please lmk if you have any further problems!

Hey guys, heads up, there is a bug that occurs in the first room with the keycard.
I will fix this asap, but be aware that it may not be possible to progress due to this bug.


Really flipping awesome, hoping to get to finish. I think I found a bug where if you take the card out of the room, it disappears, and then it sorta is gone after that?

Thanks Edward! Ill look into that bug, do you have some more details on how you caused it?


I put a short of your game on my youtube channel by the way, i hope that is ok!

Thats awesome! Thank you


Brilliant game, loved it, the visual art is really stunning. Hope you do well in the jam

(nb need to be able to reset rooms, got stuck and couldn't progress)

hey there! You can reset puzzles with "R" 


hi! Yes i saw that but it didn't reset box positions. Maybe the problem was at my end. Well done on the superb game!